Editorial Consultancy

Ingrid Auer, publisher Ekonja Verlag Vienna - entrepreneur & author
"In our many years of working with Karin Vial & Partners we have once and again found that this name stands for global publishing contacts and utmost professionalism. As any publisher or author who knows Karin in person would agree, her charming manners apart from her sound expertise have opened doors that could neither have been found nor opened without her."
Trudi Thali, Switzerland - founder of Light-Channel Healing, author & publisher
"My heartfelt thanks go to Karin Vial, my wonderful editor and agent, for her continued encouragement, invaluable input of ideas and her deep understanding of the spiritual truths. Her sound expertise, excellent focus and extraordinary sense of empathy have made a huge contribution to the success of my books. In her creative role as writer and director of our popular teaching DVD "Light-Channel Healing" she has given yet a whole other dimension to the success of my teachings. I do look forward to our next projects, Karin!"
Dr. med. Josef Huwyler, FMH Zürich - orthopedical surgeon, ballet consultant & author
"I have known Ms Vial both in her professional publishing career as well as in her private life. She has an outgoing, well-balanced personality and is easy and reliable to work with. Her broad range of skills in communication, international relations and foreign languages have always been of great help in the various tasks I assigned to her over the years. Her friendly and charming ways in solving any problem have my greatest respect."
Helmut Hofmann, Tenerife - entrepreneur & author
"I have worked with Karin Vial & Partners on numerous publishing projects for the past 20 years. I can sincerely recommend Ms Vial as a professional and highly creative business partner. She delivers the assigned work to perfection and is fun to work with."
J. E. Dixon, Washington - Unternehmensberatung ATKearny
"Ms Vial did an outstanding job translationg during the interviews. Her excellent interpersonal skills enabled her to make each interview a success. . Ms Vial showed the utmost professionalsm."
Yves E. Patak, MD, Zurich - author Conversations with the Devil, Null Bock auf Karma et.al.
"I thank thee from the bottom of my heart - and award you the Oscar for Best Agent 2010!" :-)
"Your coaching is the beacon I had been looking for in my writing. Your constructive criticism, along with your sensitive way to cut right down to the heart of the matter, has been most encouraging and inspiring.. I find your support and advice is gold, and I have learned from you more about writing a book than I could have learnedt from ten creative writing seminars!
You have opened my eyes to many more aspects of a writer's life than I had bargained for.to the world of publishing, literary agencies, PR-activities. So, to make a long rave review short: muchas gracias por todo!"
Helena Paterson, London - author of Celtic Astrology & other works
"I met Karin Vial years ago when she decided to publish my book in Germany. I have come to appreciate the ease with which she communicates in English and handles her international publishing assignments. Besides her being a responsible and efficient woman of the business world, I admire her creativity, her people skills and broad range of knowledge."
Adolfo Wagener Gimeno, Bozen - naturopath & author
"I have worked in alternative medicine in my own offices in Germany and Tenerife for almost 30 years. I wish to state that Ms Vial's understanding of alternative healing principles is immense. She was instrumental in publishing my book "Pentagramm-Diagnose", and I have greatly admired her skills in the process. Ms Vial's knowledge of natural medicine and healing of East and West is remarkable, and she has a wonderful way to make this knowledge available to people - in theory and practice.Her warm persdonality, combined with extraordinary people skills and background knowledge of the various healing traditions all over the world have my greatest respect. "